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What is AgeJET PlasmaRejuvenation?

The AgeJET device transforms nitrogen gas into energy and delivers it through a controlled, ultra-high radiofrequency handpiece. This energy penetrates the dermal tissue, generating heat to trigger the production of new elastin and collagen while eliminating damaged collagen.

AgeJET presents notable advancements over previous resurfacing methods.

Historically, these treatments frequently resulted in undesired side effects like alterations in skin texture, pigment irregularities, skin lightening, and even scarring. Utilizing PlasmaResurfacing for skin rejuvenation yields more predictable and skin-friendly outcomes.

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PlasmaRejuvenation takes a comprehensive approach to improving your skin.

Unlike other technologies that focus on specific areas for tissue protection, or the treatment of particular skin issues related to aging, PlasmaResurfacing addresses your skin as a whole. With this single device, you can effectively target wrinkles, elasticity concerns, scars, pigmentation issues, and more simultaneously.

AgeJET does not harm or disrupt the skin's surface.

Unlike lasers and other treatments that ablate or vaporize the skin’s surface to initiate healing responses, AgeJET operates uniquely. It achieves controlled, rapid heating in the treatment areas, which promotes collagen remodeling and restores skin elasticity without compromising the outermost epidermal layer. This approach avoids significant complications and downtime.


Pre-treatment Guide

2 weeks prior to the treatment

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning.
  • Application of a mineral SPF 30+ sunscreen on treatment area(s).
  • Use additional sun protective measures such as wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sun-protective clothing.

1 week prior to the treatment

  • Discontinue exfoliating products (washes, scrubs, Retin A).
  • Start using HA serum (recommended by the provider) to maintain high levels of moisture in the skin.

Day of treatment

  • The treatment area should be clean and free from any make-up or skincare products.
  • Do not use mascara or wear contact lenses.
  • Men need to shave the treatment area one day prior to the procedure.
  • Women will need to shave one day prior to vaginal rejuvenation treatment

Post-Treatment Guide

First 24 Hours

  • You may experience a sensation of warmth (like a sunburn) and your skin will appear pink to red in color.
  • Always wash hands with antibacterial soap before touching or cleaning the treatment area.
  • Keep a thin layer of HA serum on at all times (reapply as needed) to prevent skin from drying out.
  • Protect skin from sun exposure.
  • If prescribed medication, please follow directions.

Day 2 to 5: Before complete peeling or flaking

  • Switch from HA serum to Aquaphor to hydrate skin.
  • The skin may darken from pink or red to a bronzed-like appearance 3 to 5 days after treatment. This is likely with high-energy procedures and will peel or flake off.
  • It is important that the treated skin is left in place until it is ready to peel or flake.
    Picking may result in an infection or scar.
  • The treated skin will generally peel or flake within 2 to 5 days. The old skin will come off with washing.
  • As skin peels or flakes, there may be some areas that are lighter or darker. This should even out over time.

After peeling or flaking

  • Stop using Aquaphor when peeling or flaking is complete.
  • Resume the use of mineral SPF 30+ sunscreen to decrease the possibility of hyperpigmentation.
  • New skin will have formed underneath the layer of treated skin and will need to be handled gently.
  • It is normal for skin to have lighter and darker areas in the first few weeks as it heals. These are most often temporary and fade quickly, though in rare circumstances this can take up to 6 months.
  • It will generally be 2 to 10 days after treatment before you can shave, depending on the energy settings used during the procedure. Ask your provider when you can return to normal activities.

Contraindications for Treatment

Users should be aware that there may be potential risks or side effects for patients with pacemakers (internal or external) and/or other implanted medical devices. It is recommended to consult the general practitioner and/or the specialist before undergoing the medical procedure.


  1. Patients who are considered to be ineligible for general surgery
  2. Patients who form keloid scars
  3. Patients with active skin infections
  4. Patients who have used oral tretinoins such as Accutane, within 6 months prior to treatment
  5. Patients with broken skin in the area of treatment
  6. Pregnant women or nursing mothers (until normal menstrual cycle resumes)
  7. Tanning or use of self-tanning products within 1 week of treatment
  8. Fitzpatrick Skin Types V and VI (Test Spot on Type V)
  9. The presence of any inflammatory condition of the skin
  10. Patients with Vitiligo
  11. Patients who are applying topical steroids to the treatment area.